American Dream vs. North Shore Dream
In class today and in previous classes we have discussed what the American dream means to us. Responses were usually involving a white picket fence, 6 digit salaries, a wife, kids, and a garage full of expensive cars. This got me thinking. Is this really the American dream? Or is this just a North Shore dream?
There is nothing wrong with thinking that what I described before is the North Shore dream, because in all honesty, it really is. Most kids are raised in the North Shore with there parents already achieving this dream, so of course it seems normal. But when I think about it, this doesn't seem like the normal American dream. Yes almost everyone in the country wants to be as successful as they can be, but most other parts of the country are not as privileged as we are to live in a place like the North Shore. Their dream may just to be able to graduate high school or college. For some it might be to have the ability to move out of their parents house after college, where here in the North Shore that seems to be the norm.
All that I am saying is that the difference between the American dream and the North Shore dream is great, and we should all be grateful to be privileged enough to have the opportunity to live the North Shore dream.
While I understand your point, I think a huge part of the American dream is the North Shore Dream. It's about being successful and having your peers view you as successful. So while the North Shore is an extreme example of this, I still believe it is what many people strive for, not just those living in the North Shore. And I say this as someone who has lived in Hong Kong and Singapore and been lucky enough to fully comprehend just how lucky we are to live in a place as prosperous as the North Shore.
ReplyDeleteI fully agree with what Chelsea and Nate said about the American dream centering around personal success. There are many variations of "The American Dream", actually there are a millions. Each person living in America has their own American dream, whether it is settling down and making a healthy salary or taking extended solitary trips into the wilderness. Each persons dream is circumstantial, there is no blanket statement that covers the wishes of all people in America.