Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Google Glasses? Really?

People who reach into their pocket to check a smartphone for information will soon have another option: a pair of Google-made glasses that will be able to receive and project information to the wearer’s eyeballs in real time.
According to several Google employees familiar with the project, the glasses will go on sale to the public by the end of the year. These people said they are expected “to cost around the price of current smart phones,” or $250 to $600.
The people familiar with the Google glasses said they would be Android-based, and will include a small screen that will sit a few inches from someone’s eye. They will also have a 3G or 4G data connection. 
Now, I am all for new technology that makes things easier on people (like smartphones), but c'mon, this seems a little ridiculous. Having a screen a couple of inches away from your face so you can be updated on your Facebook, Twitter, or whatever other information you need seems kind of ridiculous. Personally, I don't have a Facebook or Twitter because I find it is ridiculously time consuming (time which I could be doing much better things), so I find these glasses completely ridiculous. To the average social network user thinking of getting these glases, are you really to lazy to walk to your computer, or grab your phone from your pocket, or even pull your tablet out of your backpack just so you can stay updated on your internet life?
If anyone reading this thinks this is a cool idea for some new technology, I would love to hear your opinion on my paragraph above.

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